Monday, March 12, 2007

Hmm. Okay well I’d like to tell you why my Art-ish blog has been literally static for the past who knows how long..
Basically. I don’t have resources. I don’t have a scanner(lost the software) or the wire for uploading pictures onto my computer (with my mom). So.. I would be grateful to anyone who could help me with this slight problem. Thankoo !


*reshma* said...

aawwiieee....wish i could help!! but u noe computer handicappd :S!!

bonkerz said...

wait..i didnt exactly get it..u need help with putting pics onto to dis wunnerfull artsii blog..thingy..of urs right?

ok fine well if tht's the case then uhh..just borrow a wire thingy from sum1..sorrreee..cant help kinda not gud at dis computter oriuented busyness...well, actually brain flash..umm try saving your drawings on a didgital camera and if u have the wire fer tht (which i hope u du)then u can save it ur comp and den use it..hurrayyy!!i hope i wuz of a molecule of

Radhii said...

Lol that's the thing.
I have a digital camera but my dad accidentally threw away my AC wire or whatever it's called.
My scanner was installed on my old computer which crashed, and I av no idea where the CD is. And I lost my phone so I cant send picture from there to my comp
So I'm prettyy much stuck =P

bonkerz said... in short u r in realll chicken soup(or neutha flavour)but inshort u r in soup,trouble,distress..wateva..i helped with wateva little brain i have and tht's all i got..and yes u r bootifullee stuckk...=)

bonkerz said...

sorry..radhii!!!brain feelash again..ask ur frendz fer a digital camera and de wire!!!!im a genius arent I?!!THT'S DE ONLEE THING I CAN THINK OF!!!sorry..i can imaaaagine ur frustration
u being the artist with ur stuff not being able to be put up and seriously ...H-E-L-P-L-E-S-S....TRIED..FAILED..thought again failed

Radhii said...

lolll thanks .. that's what i plan on doing.
I need someone to lend me their digital camera for that =P

bonkerz said...

umm, ihave one but i cant really give it to u online..then ask ne of ur frends whu like taking pics alot..i dunno..i'd help u maself if cud but my hands not tht long and my camera aint fit in the cables!!dunt worry u'll find sumthing tht will help u//;p

Anonymous said...

buy another wire. it doesn't cost much.